She often said, "Don't stay too long here, pity your husband". Tanggal 12 December, reuni teman-teman yang sama-sama ikut study tour ke Taiwan 22thn yang lalu. Setelah 20th berlalu, ini kali kedua kami mengadakan reuni. ...
We were to stay in hides hotel, again in the centre, and had enjoyed a hot shower just minutes after parting company with our dive group. This hotel was a bit different from the hostel we had stayed at previously, but after spending ...
I'm just saying?it's pretty one-sided. In the interest of more randomness for anyone reading this who has actually hung on this long, here's a wrap up of the random things that have caught my eye and my ire and my interest today: ... Of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels. And sawdust restaurants with oyster-shells: Streets that follow like a tedious argument. Of insidious intent. To lead you to an overwhelming question. . . 10. Oh, do not ask, ?What is it?? ...